Core Workshops
Our complementary suite of customizable workshops permits layered learning, whatever your leaders’ presentation needs.

Power Messaging
Whether it’s formal or informal, spoken or written, to an audience of one or one hundred, the first step in making presentations powerful is getting the message right. This can be challenging when decisions are critical, deadlines are tight, and stakeholders are resistant. This intensive, highly interactive workshop gives you the tools needed to craft and fine-tune messages that shift attitudes and spark action.
Power Presentation Decks
A strong PowerPoint deck does add power to a message, making it easier for you to present and your audience to understand. A poor one can obscure meaning and distract and confuse audiences. This workshop focuses on this valuable but often misused technology. Learn the key elements for designing strong presentation decks that highlight important issues, create impact, and drive action.
Power Presence
Your skill at presenting your message should be a positive factor in achieving success, and not a limitation. This workshop focuses on developing your presence as a speaker to better instill confidence, hold interest, and convey key points in a memorable way. Learn to leverage your natural talents as a speaker and strengthen your weaker points, and create a strong, powerful presence that leaves a lasting positive impression.
Power Writing
When you are writing instead of speaking, it is equally important to get your message across quickly and easily, with clarity, precision, and impact. This workshop will sharpen your business writing and grammar skills to ensure your proposals, business cases, e-mails, reports, articles, and other business documents are clear and polished.